Protocols For Visitors Entering Campus:
Please enter through the Main Entrance only and sign in. Visitors must sanitize hands and wear a mask at entry, in all public spaces or while in an office or classroom space.
This sign-in procedure helps us to alert you if you were to be exposed to COVID-19 while on our campus. Thank you for your flexibility and patience with these changes.
Please do not enter the building if you:
Are showing signs of COVID-19
Have been in close contact with someone who has confirmed or suspected COVID-19 in the last 14 days.
At sign-in, you are attesting that you answer “NO” to the following screening questions:
1. Within the last 14 days, have you experienced any of the following signs/symptoms that you cannot attribute to another health condition or physical activity?
New Cough: Yes/No
Shortness of Breath or Difficulty Breathing: Yes/No
New Sore Throat: Yes/No
New Muscle Aches: Yes/No
A Temperature At or Above 100.4 or the Sense of Having a Fever: Yes/No
2. Does anyone in your household have any of the above signs/symptoms? Yes/No
3. Within the last 14 days, have you had close contact, without the use of appropropriate PPE, with someone who is currently ill with suspected or confirmed COVID-19? (Close contact is defined as within 6 feet for more than 10 consecutive minutes) Yes/No
4. Have you taken medication to reduce a fever today? Yes/No
If you answer YES to any of the above screening questions, please DO NOT ENTER our facility unless determined otherwise by a medical professional.