Gonzaga Preparatory School

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What else is happening? Lots of everything!

Margins retreat
Margins students gathered at Bozarth Mansion for a retreat to kick off the six-month deep dive into contemporary social justice issues. Students spent time discussing vulnerability, hopes, and fears they have for the preparation and immersion, and their own social identities. The group celebrated Mass with Fr. JK Adams, S.J., and welcomed former Margins participants (and Bullpup alums) who shared their own experiences: the challenge, joy, and beauty that Margins has brought to their lives. The alumni encouraged the current Margins students to "sit in the discomfort because it will most certainly result in growth."
16 students participated all week in a chess tournament. Room 1 was the center of activity, and when all was said and done, sophomore John Malsam is the Gonzaga Prep chess champion.
Feast World Kitchen
Feast World Kitchen believes diversity, equity, and inclusion can happen around the table. Last week, Executive Director Ross Carper gathered Bullpups to the table in the Student Center to share rice dishes from around the globe. Carper shared how the nonprofit puts into practice social justice principles of upholding and celebrating the dignity of all people, solidarity, and community.  The nonprofit restaurant and catering company in Spokane features a rotating group of former refugee and immigrant chef-entrepreneurs.
Knowledge Bowl
Congratulations to Gonzaga Prep's Knowledge Bowl teams! Twenty-six students fill five Prep teams that compete against 24 other schools in Washington and Idaho.  Currently, the Varsity 1 team is 2nd in the league (of 24 teams) and our JV3, JV1 & JV2 teams are 3rd and 6th and 9th, respectively in the League (of 26 teams).  The final meet of the season is senior night in February at Lewis and Clark. We look forward to celebrating Griffin Satterfield, Hudson Satterfield, Christian Schueller, Caleb Nordhagen, and Jack Sodorff.
College panel
This week, a panel of current college students/recent graduates came to campus from Gonzaga University for a Q&A about the transition to college. Questions during the event, sponsored by Empowerment Club, were wide-ranging, from how do I meet people (leave your dorm room door open) to balancing classwork and a social life (find one thing that isn’t just “hanging out.”) Special thanks to panelists Bri Covert, Zoe Jaspers, Candace Williams, and Isabelle Maddigan for spending time with Bullpups planning their next chapter!