Last weekend, 22 members of the Gonzaga Prep Speech & Debate team competed across 11 different events at the Washington State Championship Tournament hosted by the University of Puget Sound. Congratulations to all who attended and to the following individuals for their standout performances!
Anthony DeGon: 5th place in Program Oral Interpretation (POI)
Lowen Kahn: 6th in Humorous Interpretation (HI)
Simon Yan: 6th in Extemporaneous Speaking
Ari Everitt: 6th in Original Oratory
Gabby Gamon: 7th in Poetry
Simon, Beth, Berkley, Creighton, & Beth: 9th in Worlds School Debate
Parker Ebel: 16th in Congressional Debate
Ari & Grant: 21st in Public Forum Debate
Elle & Jacob: 25th in Public Forum Debate
Thank you to everyone who competed this weekend and to our seniors who had their last Speech & Debate events in Washington State.
Simon Yan (`25): Worlds, Extemp, Oratory
Elle Dahle (`25): Public Forum
Jacob Berger (`25): Public Forum
Beth Loroz (`25): Worlds, Informative Speaking
Parker Ebel (`26): Congress
Max Brodigan (`26) Congress
Grant Von Buchwaldt (`26): Public Forum, Impromptu Speaking
Ari Everitt (`26): Public Forum, Oratory
Gabby Gamon (`26): Public Forum, Poetry
Izzi Hydzik (`26): Duo Interpretation
Rachel Price (`26): Duo, Poetry
Anthony DeGon (`26): POI
Ian McComas (`26): Impromptu
Aaron Lee (`27): Congress, Poetry, Duo
Creighton Condon (`27): Worlds, Extemp
Berkley Hestdalen (`27): Worlds, Extemp
Esmund Weber (`27): Extemp
Marshall Loew (`27): Extemp
Lowen Kahn (`27): Worlds, HI
Connor Crinion (`27): Informative
Annabelle Mischke (`28): Impromptu
Antonio Trivino (`28): Duo